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Amalgam substituted by an inlay
 Amalgam substituted by an inlay 
U$ 13.20
This animation shows an amalgam substituted by an inlay, including imp...
Carie substituted by an inlay
 Carie substituted by an inlay 
U$ 13.20
This animation shows a carie substituted by an inlay, including impres...
Closed tray impression
 Closed tray impression 
U$ 19.80
This animation illustrates the procedure of taking the impression of a...
Guided surgery
 Guided surgery 
U$ 21.12
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
Individual open tray impression (overdenture)
 Individual open tray impression (overdenture) 
U$ 19.80
This animation illustrates the procedure of taking the impression of 4...
Lower jaw implant surgery
 Lower jaw implant surgery 
U$ 19.80
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
Lower jaw provisional implant surgery
 Lower jaw provisional implant surgery 
U$ 21.12
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
Open tray impression
 Open tray impression 
U$ 19.80
This animation illustrates the procedure of taking the impression of a...
Overdenture implant surgery
 Overdenture implant surgery 
U$ 19.80
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
RSX implant surgery
 RSX implant surgery 
U$ 21.12
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
Surgery "on four"
 Surgery "on four" 
U$ 21.12
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...
Upper jaw implant surgery
 Upper jaw implant surgery 
U$ 19.80
The animations illustrating the implants are simulating basic surgerie...